Babylon & ONtology: Multilingual and cognitive e-Learning Management System via PDA phone
BONy is a cognitive e-Learning Management System (eLMS) allowing users to find and to learn the units strictly requested and necessary to achieve their training experience. BONy supplies a multilingual access to information. This involves an ontological approach to knowledge and an interconnection among formative contents and interactive multimedia thanks to the semantic web methodology. BONy e-learners’ community will interact using a PDA phone, in order to produce the first in-site content management system which will change the user’s perspective on learning.
BONy is a social network where users can play a double role of students and/or teachers according to theirs skills and requirements, therefore being able both to satisfy their formative needs and to share their professional and linguistic expertises. At the same time, BONy intends to provide a social network experts fully dedicated to the European cooperation in the domains of research and project management.
BONy researchers aim at improving the following ICT equipments in order to support efficiently any training process:
- An Ontology-based e-course on European Project Cycle Management. Project management is a European professional reality. The vision is to promote future European cooperation to create further e-courses on different subjects (businesses, arts, etc.) and to provide a web-based infrastructure to launch future research projects or to find potential partners;
- An adaptive and intuitive e-learning system able to learn and to configure itself according to its’ “understanding” and interaction with learners’ behaviour. A system able to identify learners’ requirements, to generate random tests on the formative units required and to verify trainees’ progress;
- A mobile phone adapter system useful to retrieve information and to interact within the community;
- A trainee/trainer Social Network acting as “bank of time” useful for the creation a “Friend-of-Friend” expert community, able to exchange know-how on various topics such as Project Management, education, learning, R&D, with the aim of further integration, inter-cultural dialogue and research project design and management.