Bruno Sartini
Postdoctoral Researcher

Bruno Sartini is currently a first year Ph.D. student at the department of Classical and Italian Philology of the University of Bologna. In 2017, He received a Bachelor’s degree in Languages in the Information Society from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. After completing his B.A., he earned a Master’s degree in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna in 2019 with a thesis on “Polarity and Emotions Variations in Poetry’s Symbolism”.
Bruno currently works in the field of Digital Humanities, with a focus on knowledge extraction and semantic web technologies applied to cultural heritage. The main topic of his Ph.D thesis is the modeling of symbolic relationships in the context of Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data. His other research interests include NLP applied to cultural heritage, 3D visualizations, and big data analysis. At the present time, he’s involved in “Social cohesion, Participation, and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement” project (SPICE) and he’s contributing to ArCo4Science by including symbolic, iconographic and iconologic relationships in the ArCo knowledge graph.