Misael Mongiovì

STLabers say about him
With his sunny smile, Misael knows always how to be kind and helpful. He is a passionate and creative person, a talented researcher who over the weekend rides the waves with his surfboard!
Misael Mongiovì is a researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology of Cognition at CNR (Italy) and a contract professor at University of Catania.
His research focuses on mining, management and optimization of large networks, with applications to Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graphs, Bioinformatics and Software Engineering. Previously, he has been a Research Scientist at UC Santa Barbara and a postdoctoral scholar at Tel Aviv University and University of Catania. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2007. He has also been working as a software analyst in Proxima, a software company.

Identifying motifs for evaluating open knowledge extraction on the Web, Gangemi A, Recupero DR, Mongiovì M, Nuzzolese AG, Presutti V, In Knowl.-Based Syst., volume 108, 2016.

Merging open knowledge extracted from text with MERGILO, Mongiovì M, Recupero DR, Gangemi A, Presutti V, Consoli S, In Knowl.-Based Syst., volume 108, 2016.