
Webinar “Using frames in assistive robotics”

Today, at 15.00 pm, Valentina Presutti will present the 3rd Webinar on Companion Robots sponsored by the MARIO EU Project (

Title: Using frames in assistive robotics

Youtube live link:


People with dementia (PwD) may show lack of memory as early symptoms of cognitive impairment. This affects their private as well as social life: discomforts can span from not remembering one or more words for completely expressing a concept or request, e.g. “I need a ?, to drink water”, to forgetting events they have recently experienced, e.g. a visit from a relative. In turns this may lead to isolation, hence loneliness. Machines, including robots, could help PwD by completing incomplete sentences, by suggesting hints for remembering events, by proposing them different activities: this would be a powerful tool for reducing their discomfort by increasing their autonomy. In this talk, I will discuss the approach we are investigating in the MARIO project that aims at developing a robot able to interact and support PwD. This approach relies on a notion of “frame” which is applied as a reference model abstraction to support the robot capabilities both from behaviour arbitration and interaction perspectives.


Talk: 30 minutes
Q&A: 20 minutes

Companion Robots Webinar:

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