We are happy to announce the Version 3.0 release of the Framester project: https://w3id.org/framester. We invite everyone to subscribe to the Framester google group that supports community discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/framester-linguistic-linked-data-hub Framester is a highly connected knowledge graph that provides an extended…
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We are proud to announce that STLab, together with the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR-CNR) and R2M won the public tender MARE/2016/16. The main purpose of the tender is to build a production-ready information system for commercial designations of fishery…
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Today, at 15.00 pm, Valentina Presutti will present the 3rd Webinar on Companion Robots sponsored by the MARIO EU Project (http://mario-project.eu/) Title: Using frames in assistive robotics Youtube live link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCdZPuw3fqw Abstract People with dementia (PwD) may show lack of memory as…
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Today, at 6.30 pm, Valentina Presutti is giving a webinar about “Automation of Knowledge Extraction and Ontology Learning”. Abstract Context: Building & maintaining knowledge bases & ontologies is hard work and could use some automated help. Perception: Various parts of…
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On February 9, at 10 am, Valentina Presutti and Luigi Asprino are giving a seminar at WIMMICS – INRIA at Sophia Antipolis. Speaker: Valentina Presutti Title: Using frames in assistive robotics Abstract: People with dementia (PwD) may show lack of memory…
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We are proud to announce that two papers have been accepted to the RESOURCES track of ISWC 2016, the 15th International Semantic Web Conference. Silvio Peroni, Giorgia Lodi, Luigi Asprino, Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti FOOD: FOod in Open Data…
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