Ecosistema digitale per la fruizione e la valorizzazione dei beni e delle attività culturali
The “Ecosistema digitale per la fruizione e la valorizzazione dei beni e delle attività culturali” (EcoDigit) is a project born within the the activities of the “Centro di Eccellenza del Distretto Tecnologico per i beni e le attività Culturali” del Lazio (DTC Lazio) (https://dtclazio.it/), which intends to aggregate and integrate expertises in the field of technologies applied to cultural heritage.
EcoDigit aims at enriching the Anagrafe delle Competenze (https://dtclazio.it/anagrafe-competenze) project of the DTC Lazio with a middleware platform that is able to facilitate the integration of new data sources and to allow the publication and reuse of services for the enhancement and fruition of the cultural heritage in the Lazio region. The project is designed to encourage the participation of all possible stakeholders in the use and evolution of its services and contents, supporting the inclusion of existing cultural assets. The integration of the collected data is handled through open formats and the use of semantic technologies based on Linked Data model.