Andrea Nuzzolese

STLabers say about him
Andrea is great researcher with a good temper, generous and funny. Undoubtedly he is the joker of the group and he is always ready with a quick reply. He always does everything with great and sincere smile on his face. He is a genius programmer, with stunning technical and theoretical knowledge.
Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese is a Researcher at the Semantic Technology Laboratory (STLab) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome, Italy. He received a PhD in Computer Science in 2014 from the University of Bologna (Italy). His research interests concern Knowledge Extraction, Ontology Design Patterns, Linked Data and Semantic Web. He has been a researcher in the EU funded project IKS (Interactive Knowledge Stack) and a main developer of Apache Stanbol software stack, which provides a set of reusable components for semantic content management. He has published scientific papers in international journals and conferences.